Nicoli & Sabrina's Wedding
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On a random Sunday in June of 2021, Sabrina decided to give dating one last time. That afternoon she had re-installed Tinder telling herself "10 minutes, that's it". After she logged in and started swiping she saw Nicoli's profile. He was a gamer and into technology just like her, he was also cute and mentioned he went to the gym and was looking to play D&D. "It was him or no one" Sabrina said. They never did end up playing that game of D&D, but they did go to the gym together quite a few times. After the first date, which was watching Bo Burnham's Inside in the barn, they were absolutely smitten with each other. Driving 1.5hrs on the weekends to see each other became the norm and every moment spent together was well worth it. After living apart for two and a half years, Sabrina and Nicoli decided to move to Chicago together after Sabrina received a job offer there. It was on the beach in front of their new home that Nicoli proposed to Sabrina on January 31st of 2023. It was windy and cold, but they were excited to start this new chapter of their lives in the new year.

p.s. click 'Nicoli & Sabrina' at the top to RSVP